Larry Blevins is the owner of American Business Brokers located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He has 38 years work experience in the field of financial services and as a professional business broker. He has sold businesses in industries such as communication, medical, retail, food service, automotive, security, manufacturing as well as other industries. Larry has owned and sold businesses of his own which provided great insights into the needs of business owners who want to sell or buy a business. Larry is a licensed Colorado Real Estate Broker, a member of the Colorado Association of Business Intermediaries, and the Colorado Springs Executive Association. He held the Presidential chair in a chapter of the Chamber of Commerce in Florida where he was a member for ten years before moving to Colorado Springs.
Larry’s motto is “My Word is my Bond.”
His favorite quote is by Zig Ziglar. Zig says “It is true that integrity alone won’t make you a leader; but without integrity, you will never be one,”
Larry’s favorite saying is “God is my CEO.”
Brian Neitsch is the Information Technology Administrator has been in the Information Tech world for over 20 years. One of
the roles he plays with Abbrokers is to help maintain digital assets and applications company wide.
One major value Brian strives to maintain is customer support and satisfaction. Doing this using email, web applications and all other forms throughout the company to ensure each customer doesn’t lack the knowledge to make through decisions for their future.